BRACON P-755V Construct Weapons and Armament Facility #2

BRACON P-755V Construct Weapons and Armament Facility #2

LocationNAWS China Lake, CA

As part of the BRAC 2005 realignment, this project will construct a Weapons & Armament Facility #2 to serve the Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division at the Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, California. The Weapons & Armament Facility #2 will provide technical, administrative, and management spaces for approximately 81 relocated personnel associated with RDAT&E functions. The facilities will be of permanent construction and designed to have a life expectancy of a minimum of 30 years. The building will have an area of 23,417 gross square feet and will be designed as an energy efficient, environmentally responsible, and user friendly facility.

Supporting facilities include demolition of existing site improvements, site grading, asphalt concrete roadway modifications, porous concrete paving, site utilities, and landscaping.
